PAF Fall Matching Funds Campaign

Dear Friends of the Polish American Foundation of Connecticut!

We at the Polish American Foundation of Connecticut thank you for your continuing support and ask for your help in what we all hope will be the final winter of the COVID-19 pandemic. The PAF, now celebrating its 25th year serving as a center of the community and financial supporter of critical programs, events, and organizations in our Polonia, needs your help to continue its work. We had all hoped that 2021 would be a year of return to normalcy, but due to new surges in COVID-19 cases, our in-person fundraising events have been postponed, including our 25th Anniversary Gala and the Little Poland Festival.

While some programs and activities are still suspended, we are doing our utmost to sustain our mission and serve our community. We now offer a wide variety of quality programming online, including:

  • Polish language classes, genealogy conferences, folk craft workshops.

  • Music Discoveries series of lectures, interviews, and discussions of music illustrated by recorded performances

And we have resumed some on-ground activities such as the Chopin Society concerts at the New Britain Museum of American Art, but with limited seating. The Polanie Dance Group has recently resumed a limited number of performances, but also, used the lighter performance schedule to expand their repertoire to include a new region, and develop a “Kapela” band.

What has not been placed on hold are many of the significant expenses, including utilities, insurance, and related costs, associated with operating our vital and beloved cultural hub, the Sloper-Wesoly Center.

Absent our major fundraising events we must raise funds in a more direct manner and your financial support today is as vital as ever to our continued viability.

Thanks to our very special members, such as Anna Sielawko, your contributions will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $8,500. We need to raise at least $18,000 to $20,000, to hold us over till our planned Anniversary Gala in the Fall of 2022. Donors who contribute over $100 will also be credited with PAF Membership for 2022.

If you would like to donate via check, please mail to:

Polish American Foundation of CT.

P.O. Box 1525

New Britain, CT 06050

Please consider making a generous donation today at (click “donations”) or contact us directly to discuss meaningful ways you can assist. You might also consider supporting us while you shop by choosing the Polish American Foundation of Connecticut as your charitable organization of choice through Amazon Smile ( If a vibrant Connecticut Polonia means the world to you, now is the time to act.

Thank you again for your important contributions to and financial support over the years. Together, we can weather this storm of uncertainty and ensure a thriving Connecticut Polonia for years to come.

With gratitude,

Board of Directors, The Polish American Foundation of CT, Inc.